Power triathlon – a guide for beginners

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Three disciplines, three approaches and only one chance to beat your opponents. How to prepare for triathlon – here is a professional guide for beginners.

The triathlon consists of three elements, they are: squats, bench and deadlift. Each athlete has three approaches. The goal is to take as much weight as possible and then perform the exercise. The results are added up, and the average gives the score for the whole exercise. It sounds simple in theory, but practice can be hellishly grueling. 

Form first

Experts agree on this: before you can think about results, it is necessary to make form. There is no need to kidnap yourself with a hoe in the sun. If you have not had much experience in the sport so far, but go a step lower to start preparing at the grassroots. 

The first step will be to make a form. For this purpose, basic exercises will suffice: running, skipping, squats, push-ups, but weights would also be useful – dumbbells will suffice. With the correct technique, which on the one hand will be objectively good, and on the other will be adapted to the individual capabilities of your body, you should acquire the right habits and strength in three months.

After this time, you can start slightly more serious exercises. Continuing with the previous ones, you can diversify your plan: add barbell presses, bench press, shoulder exercises with dumbbells, squats with weight (for example, just with a barbell), rolling, you can also jump to the pool or practice calisthenics.

What you will gain by training triathlon

Before we get to the direct training plan, we would like to encourage you a bit. We know that most people approach this challenge with straw enthusiasm. The fire of the challenge is usually extinguished after two to three weeks. It’s worth remembering this number – according to research by scientists, you need several weeks to several months to form a habit.

The assumption that you will be kept motivated in the challenge is, unfortunately, naive. You are not likely to be motivated to do something all the time. That’s why there is such a thing as a habit, which is the mechanical repetition of a certain activity. 

However, mental benefits are not everything. Triathlon training improves posture and skeletal health, enhances athletic ability, increases muscle mass, slows down the aging process, and improves overall well-being.

Triathlon training – how to exercise, basic principles 

It will be necessary to divide the workout into four parts: barbell bench press on a flat bench, overhead press in front of the head sitting, deadlift and squats with a barbell. The training is very intense, so it should be a maximum of four weeks. After that, you can do a so-called deload – that is, a strategic move by any trainer to still exercise regularly (keep the routine and not destroy the habit), but at the same time slow down the pace, relax, give the muscles a rest. 

The workout should be four days: 

  1. On Monday you press squats and a follow up workout.
  2. On Wednesday, you focus on barbell presses and supplemental training.
  3. Friday is time for deadlifts and supplemental training.
  4. Saturday: barbell press in front of your head and supplemental training.

The scheme, as you may have noticed, is quite simple. Every other day you do one of the exercises (in a 5/3/1 system, and also 5 series of 10 repetitions) along with supplemental training.

main photo: unsplash.com/Alora Griffiths

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