Tag - muscle tissue

Muscle anabolism – how to stimulate this process?
Muscle anabolism – how to stimulate this process?

There are several ways to help your muscles recover quickly and build new muscle tissue cells. Here are the most effective ones!

Factors that contribute to injury in the gym
Factors that contribute to injury in the gym

Injuries are something that no bodybuilder likes. They often appear in the least expected moment. What can be done to prevent them? What factors contribute to injuries?

How to effectively deal with soreness?
How to effectively deal with soreness?

Squeezes are an ailment that affects many people who play sports. Practically everyone who has done intensive training at least once has felt them on their muscles. How to deal with them?

How does ibuprofen affect muscle and strength?
How does ibuprofen affect muscle and strength?

Do you often reach for over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs? Find out how they affect your muscles!

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