Insulin inhibition an effective way to lose weight?

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Carbohydrates are a staple in most people’s diets, but not everyone knows that consuming them causes a release of insulin, which inhibits the hormone-sensitive lipase. Insulin is responsible for regulating sugar levels in the liver, storing it in the liver while inhibiting its production.

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, and its main task is to regulate the level of glucose in the blood after eating a fairly heavy meal. Under its influence, the sugar molecules are carried along with the blood to all the cells in the human body. When there is a problem called insulin resistance, the human body is unable to fully utilize insulin, and as a result, the cells lose their sensitivity to this hormone. The level of insulin in the blood of the affected person remains constantly elevated, which translates into inhibition of glucagon, which is responsible for burning energy reserves accumulated in fat tissue.

Add to this the increased accumulation of fat in the body, which is caused by impaired glucose distribution process, and you can see that this is the easiest way to obesity and overweight. The causes of insulin resistance in a patient are very complex, and include:

– low physical activity,
– excess cortisol,
– taking antibacterial and antiviral medications.

Medications used for psychiatric disorders may also be a factor in the development of insulin resistance. Genetic factors cannot be overlooked either, as they have a significant impact on the appearance of this disease.

? Insulin resistance is a state of decreased tissue sensitivity to insulin, despite normal or elevated insulin…

Published by SABA weight loss Friday, September 25, 2020

What role do adipocytes play?

A year ago insulin resistance was widely commented in the media, numerous books were written about it and videos were created. Very often you could hear overweight people saying that their problem depends on this disease and there is no way to lose weight, but is it really so? It turns out that it is not! In order to understand this fact, it is necessary to go all the way down to the cellular level. Adipocytes are fat cells that store excess energy from food in the form of fatty acids. They vary in size and characteristics.

Small adipocytes are very receptive and grow rapidly and are responsible for the weight gain of a person with insulin resistance. A collection of many small cells accumulates fatty acids that are eager to grow but reluctant to give up energy – so-called resistant fat tissue. Therefore, in the process of weight loss, you may notice that the less fat you have, the harder it is to get rid of it. Large adipocytes give up energy easily and quickly and are reluctant to store energy.

What effect does insulin inhibition have on weight loss?

Researchers conducted a study on a group of very obese people to see if insulin inhibition had an effect on their weight loss. During the tests, the patients were given octreotide in equal doses. After the tests were over, the conclusions varied. The group of test subjects could be divided into those who responded well to insulin inhibition, responded moderately or not at all to it with octreotide. Those who responded well to the formulation were a much smaller group.

Far more were those who were not susceptible to its effects. However, it should be added that the use of octreotide is a novel approach, but effective for some people. An interesting effect of the test is that by inhibiting insulin, appetite, particularly cravings for carbohydrates, can be suppressed. It is not yet known what side effects the drug may have, but if it proves to be completely safe, perhaps a new method of weight loss will be invented, and a non-invasive one at that!

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