First time at the gym? See how to get ready!

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Are you going to your first workout at the gym soon? Check out how to prepare for it and what you should have with you!

Training in the gym – individual or with an instructor?

It doesn’t matter whether the decision to buy a gym membership was made on impulse or is the result of consistent implementation of a plan to change your lifestyle. What matters is that you have already taken the first step. A gym pass in your pocket (or in your virtual account) makes you shiver? Very well! The unknown always arouses uncertainty, that’s what makes it so interesting!

If this will be your first time at the gym, you need to prepare yourself properly for such a visit. Outfit, hydration, nutrition, toiletries – these are undoubtedly important elements, but they will be discussed later in this text. Now let’s focus on the most important – the way of training. If you have no experience in operating machines, do not really know how to start the treadmill and what order of exercises to choose, the first visit to the gym may end in injury. If you want to avoid unpleasant pain and damage to your health, decide on introductory training with an instructor. In some fitness clubs this offer is free for new members.

Training with an instructor, especially in the beginning, has many benefits. First of all, the trainer will show you around the gym, explain what each piece of equipment is used for and how to operate it. The instructor will show you the correct exercise technique, what elements to pay attention to when warming up your muscles before training and what to consider when stretching. A few training sessions with a professional will be enough to make the gym your second home. You’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll feel like a fish in water!

Basic rules of behaviour at the gym

A gym, just like any other place, has certain standards of behavior that you should stick to – both for your own well-being and the comfort of other people exercising there. What must you absolutely remember?

Comfortable workout clothes – an absolute must

Whether you want to run on an electric treadmill for a few minutes or you are planning to do some strength training, you need to take care of comfortable sportswear. Most gym-goers opt for loose shorts and a T-shirt. Among ladies, colorful leggings and short tops are in fashion. After your workout, a change of underwear will also come in handy!

Towel – not only needed to wipe tears of happiness after a successful workout?

Always have a towel handy when you go to the gym. It’s also handy when you’re working out, so make sure you have a towel handy before you sit on a bench or mat. This is basic hygiene. After all, you want to exercise on clean equipment too, right?

Use towels and sanitizing fluids

As soon as you’re done working out on the machine, grab a paper towel soaked in disinfectant liquid and wipe down the machine thoroughly so the next person can use it. Remember to always clean up after yourself – it only takes a moment, and it will make everyone at the gym feel safer and more comfortable.

Take care of yourself

There’s nothing more annoying than feeling like the person exercising next to you is staring at you. Don’t peek at other exercisers, even if your intentions are good and it’s just to get a feel for the correct technique. Your behavior may be misunderstood. If you don’t know something, it’s better to ask than to sneak a peek at other people at the gym. You can always use the knowledge and skills of club staff – they will certainly be happy to answer your questions!

Water, water and more water!

The more intense the workout, the more you sweat. In extreme situations this can lead to dangerous dehydration. When you enter the gym, remember to have two things at hand – a towel and a water bottle. Then you can reach for it whenever you feel weak. Moderate your training by taking small steps. Increase the intensity gradually and you will avoid the unpleasant consequences of overtraining.

Featured Image: Freepik

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