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Minerals play an extremely important role in the human body. However, a poor diet, stress, stimulants and fatigue cause the minerals to be flushed out of the body and we suffer from mineral deficiency. How to prevent this?
Minerals are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. However, an unhealthy lifestyle can make you suffer from deficiencies. What effects does this have and how to deal with it? Find out how your body sends you signals that it is missing something and what you can do to repair the damage
If something is wrong in your body, it will quickly let you know. So learn to listen to your body. We tell you how to do this.
If your hair is brittle and falling out, and your nails break despite the use of many conditioners, then you are deficient in zinc. In extreme cases of severe deficiency, the skin also suffers. Even small wounds take much longer to heal, acne and even ulcers may appear. Signals suggesting a zinc deficiency worth paying attention to are also dry mouth, deterioration of taste, smell and loss of appetite.
If you often feel tired and lack energy, and you feel cold all day long, you are probably deficient in iodine. It also manifests itself in your skin, which becomes dry and prone to damage and redness.
The general weakness of the body and the accompanying frequent muscle cramps and tingling in the extremities may suggest a potassium deficiency. Lack of this element also causes problems with breathing or digestion.
Problems with falling asleep when you feel tired all the time may be a sign of magnesium deficiency, i.e. an element which affects the condition of bones and teeth, improves concentration, gives energy, and protects against absorption of toxins from food.
Chromium deficiency is usually manifested by a constant headache and a feeling of irritability. With chromium deficiency, the appetite for something sweet also increases, and at the same time, eating a lot of simple sugars causes chromium to be excreted from the body.
Unfortunately, there is no magic way to fight mineral deficiencies. The only solution to help you protect yourself from them is to improve your lifestyle. Make sure your diet is balanced and tailored to your needs, with at least five portions of vegetables a day and healthy fats such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil, nuts and avocados
If you want to support your diet a bit, you can also use natural supplements, such as Terranova brand. Remember, however, that supplements are only a supplement and not a complete replacement for a healthy diet. In addition, drink about 2 liters of water a day to help remove toxins from your body.
Sleep is also very important – not only its quantity, but also quality. Allocate 7 to 9 hours a day for it, and make sure that your bedroom is comfortable and that you properly calm down and de-stress before going to bed
Main photo: Polina Tankilevitch/pexels.com