How do I find the motivation to exercise?

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The end of January is the moment when most New Year’s resolutions lose their power. While at the beginning of the year the slogan “new year, new me” was a sufficient motivator, in February it becomes more and more difficult to leave the warm house to go for a workout. Where to look for motivation to exercise, how to mobilise yourself so that you don’t lose the effects of your current activities? We suggest!

Energizing music

This is probably the easiest way to get an urge to exercise. Strong sounds, energetic beat or hits from your youth are well known training motivators. If you feel that you don’t have any energy to go to the gym or jogging, play positive, uplifting songs that will make you want to exercise again. This can also be very helpful during your workout when you feel yourself slipping or you don’t want to exercise anymore. Setting yourself a time limit, for example until the end of the song, will motivate you not to give up yet.

Fighting fatigue and soreness

Nothing is more discouraging to continue exercising than tired, sore muscles or lack of sleep. Vitamins for fatigue and lack of energy will stimulate your body to action and help you win against soreness and a general decrease in strength. To avoid pain after training, never forget to stretch and roll your muscles on a special roller. This will help restore them to their normal state and facilitate recovery.

Diet is also important, so immediately after training eat something small but high in protein. For example, it can be yogurt, buttermilk, kefir or a protein bar. About two hours after your workout, eat a full meal rich in complex carbohydrates. Don’t forget to hydrate, too. Your body is mostly composed of water, which you lose by sweating during your workout. To help your muscles recover, drink an isotonic drink.

A hot shower or short calf or arm massage can also be beneficial for a body that is tired after a workout. Prevention is better than cure, so before your next workout, work hard on your warm-up and gradually prepare your muscles for the effort.

Training together

A great motivator can be the presence of another person who will exercise with you. It does not have to be a personal trainer right away, but a friend, partner, or a whole organized group, for example at a crossfit class. The energy that people send each other can be a great motivator. Also, the opportunity to meet the other person and spend time together sometimes motivates you to get out of the house. Sharing a common hobby is one of the things that brings people together the most and makes them motivated for each other.

It is not easy to take care of your figure and do sports regularly. Until activity becomes a daily habit, the lifestyle change is tiring and difficult. Finding time for training a few times a week can be a challenge for people who have spent most of the week resting on the sofa outside of work. Every extra activity requires sacrifices at first, but don’t give up and fight for motivation. With each passing day, finding the strength to workout will get easier and easier until it finally gets into your blood and becomes a daily routine.

Main photo: Surface/

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