Meatless diet – advantages and disadvantages

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Eat meat or give it up? This question is being asked nowadays by more and more people participating in strength sports. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these diets?

Ideology and health issues – the main reasons for switching to vegetarianism

Switching to vegetarianism can have many reasons. There are, of course, people who, since childhood, to put it mildly, are not fond of meat. However, it is much more common that the step towards a meat-free diet is motivated by other factors. The main role is played by ideology and the desire to oppose the cruel practices used during the breeding and slaughter of animals. Some also believe that a diet that excludes the consumption of meat is healthier, gives a person more energy and vitality. There is no denying that in recent years vegetarianism is simply fashionable, which for many also has a significant impact.

Regardless of whether you are just considering a change in daily diet, are a staunch supporter of vegetarianism, or maybe on the contrary – a day without meat is considered a lost day, take a moment to see what are the advantages and disadvantages of this way of eating.

Vegetarianism or veganism?

Vegetarianism, generally speaking, is a way of eating that rejects meat when composing a daily menu. It is the mildest form of a meat-free diet. Vegetarians will not eat a chop, but will not disdain fried fish, eggs or dairy products. More restrictive people choose an extreme form of vegetarianism, namely veganism. It assumes not only the resignation of eating only meat, but also excludes any products of animal origin – eggs, dairy products, and sometimes even honey.

Is this way of eating healthy, or is it capable of causing irreversible damage to the body? There is no shortage of supporters of either theory, and the truth (as usual) lies somewhere in the middle. Any diet, whether meat or meat-free, can bring adverse effects if not properly balanced. The human body needs a set of nutrients to function properly – the source is less important, the important thing is to maintain a healthy balance.

What benefits can a vegetarian diet provide?

When considering the benefits of giving up eating meat, it is worth taking a moment to consider health issues. A vegetarian diet means the complete abandonment of eating meat. The fat contained in it contributes to the development of many diseases of civilization, such as atherosclerosis. Traditional diet based largely on fatty foods results in overweight, a greater risk of heart attack, and even more frequent tendency to experience depressive states. Therefore, based on this information, one can conclude that switching to the plant-based side of the power will reduce the likelihood of these conditions.

There is another health aspect. Proponents of vegetarianism argue that breeders of animals for mass slaughter use chemical feed enhancers, antibiotics and other substances that can adversely affect human health.

Giving up meat also means feeling better, especially if you care about the well-being of all living beings on the planet or about protecting the environment. This is because cattle breeding uses huge amounts of water. Its resources in the world are becoming smaller every year – so you can have the satisfaction that by going vegetarian, you make a small contribution to saving water.

You can also meet with opinions on the beneficial effect of vegetarianism on weight loss. If you have been unsuccessfully trying to lose a few extra pounds for a long time, then change tactics. Bet on easily digestible food, without the content of saturated fatty acids.

Meatless diet – the biggest risks

The paradox is that a vegetarian diet can both benefit the human body, as well as cause a lot of damage to it. The biggest danger is associated with the fact that some people give up eating meat from one day to the next, without checking their health status, consulting a nutritionist, or even making a general plan on how from now on will be shaped their daily menu.

Anyone thinking of starting to eat only fruits and vegetables should first do some research to determine the state of their health. A consultation with your doctor will make sure that everything is in order. It is also important to realize that a poorly composed plant-based diet can cause serious deficits of certain nutrients in the human body, especially such as:

– iron
– zinc
– vitamin D
– Vitamin B12
– protein

By consulting with a nutritionist, we can learn about animal meat substitutes that will allow us to provide our bodies with everything it needs each day.

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