Stretching after a workout – what exercises work best?

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Training without warming up before a workout and stretching right after is the shortest path to painful injuries. We suggest what exercises to use when stretching!

Why stretch after training?

More and more people are aware of the importance of physical activity in the prevention of civilization diseases. Running and cycling are disciplines that have stolen the hearts of millions of Poles, as well as yoga, strength training and fitness. However, there is still some lack of knowledge concerning the proper conduct of a training unit. Definitely too often we forget about the fact that each workout should be preceded by a thorough warm-up, and at the end it is worth slowing down so that the muscles have time to cool down and prepare for stretching. Stretching, of course performed properly, will allow you to keep your muscles in good shape and will have a beneficial effect on improving the mobility of your joints. With regular stretching of muscles after training, injuries occur much less frequently. Remember – just once you forget to stretch after training, and you may need to see a physiotherapist.

How to stretch after training?

Everyone should know their body enough to be able to successfully determine a safe level of training intensity. Overtraining can have negative effects on the body, and form, instead of increasing, will begin to drop dramatically. One of the reasons for recurring injuries may be the lack of proper stretching of muscles after training. It is worth putting some effort into stretching and spending at least several minutes on it after each training unit. There are two types of stretching. We can mention static stretching and dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching should be incorporated into the warm-up before training, and static stretching should be performed after training.

Post-workout stretching – basic principles

Stretching can bring the expected results (at least in the form of reduced soreness) when performed immediately after the training. If you train in the morning and plan to stretch your muscles in the evening, it will not be as effective. However, do not overdo the intensity of stretching. As soon as you feel pain, reduce the range of motion. Want to know how to properly stretch tired muscles after training? Consult a personal trainer. Together you will create a plan for stretching, which after a few series of training will get into your blood so much that you will perform these exercises quite automatically.

Suggestions for exercises to stretch muscles after training

On the web you can find many suggestions of videos with stretching exercises, which are perfect for both after strength training and aerobic training. Thanks to them, you will speed up muscle recovery and your body will be ready faster for the next challenge. Systematic stretching will also benefit the joints and reduce the appearance of cramps in the muscles.

Want to start stretching after a workout, but don’t know where to start? Browse through the suggestions on training platforms – this is a real mine of knowledge on how to properly perform stretching exercises. You can also use proven exercises – most of them you surely remember from your physical education classes. Popular post-workout exercises for stretching sore muscles include all kinds of bends, hip circles, cat flips, and grabbing your ankles with your legs straight while sitting on a mat.

Try to stretch all the muscle parts that participated in the intense workout. The more attention you pay to performing a thorough pre-workout warm-up and post-workout stretching, the greater the chance that painful injuries will pass you by. Reserve enough time for each workout unit to find a few – several minutes for stretching – after a few sessions you will start to notice the first results.

Featured Image: Freepik

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