How to strength train with kettlebell weights?

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Ball-shaped weights with a handle have been gaining popularity for several seasons, especially among athletes concerned about building muscle mass. In this article we suggest how to perform strength training with kettlebells.

What is kettlebell?

Cast iron weights in the shape of a ball are one of the traditional exercise devices popular in Russia. It is the soldiers of this country who use them as a basic part of strength training. Thanks to cast iron material, the equipment is very durable and resistant to damage, and exercising with it involves many muscle parts.

Unlike dumbbells, kettlebells are not adjustable and can only be purchased in a specific weight. On the sports equipment market, you can usually find weights weighing from 4 to even 32 kilograms. There are handles attached to the cast iron balls that allow you to grip the device freely and perform strength exercises.

Thanks to the simple structure of kettlebell, the athlete can complete a whole training session improving strength and muscle endurance, sense of balance, dynamic movement, physical condition or speed.

How does kettlebell affect strength?

Kettlebells make it possible to perform FBW training, or full body workout. The overall shape of the exercises refers to the involvement in the work of all parts of the muscles. Thanks to simple movements, the weight influences strength and endurance in the muscles of arms, legs, back or buttocks. The effects of regular training appear in a short time, that’s why many bodybuilding athletes decide on this type of activity.

When it comes to building physical strength with kettlebell training, it is important to remember that the intense exercises also work the deep muscles, which is a very important aspect in strength training. Interestingly, the workout with weights can be constructed to work on the strength and mass of the athlete or help him to model his figure and reduce the pounds on the scale. The versatile nature of kettlebell training means that it should appeal to athletes with different needs and varying levels of skill.

Why Kettlebell❓?

Training with kettlebells is certainly very versatile.
It allows you to build
?dynamics, …

Published by RIO Jits & Gym Sunday, September 13, 2020

Advantages of training with weights

Cast iron dumbbells in the shape of a ball affect the athlete’s body comprehensively, so systematic training improves the speed of movement, flexibility of muscles and joints and flexibility in the alignment of the entire body. The correct technique of kettlebell exercises helps to maintain the correct posture of the spine and does not strain it during exercise.

Exercises also have a positive effect on physical fitness, breathing capacity, coordination and the ability to maintain balance during vigorous movement. Strength training with kettlebells also strengthens bones and joints and reduces the risk of back injury by strengthening all the muscles surrounding the spine. Regular exercise also improves blood circulation, regulates blood pressure and speeds up the transport of oxygen to the cells, preventing soreness.

How to exercise with kettlebells?

When you begin training with kettlebells, remember to warm up thoroughly. Thanks to a few minutes of exercise to prepare your muscles for work, the risk of painful injuries and soreness after training is reduced. With kettlebell dumbbells you can exercise throughout the entire training unit, dividing specific exercises into series, within which about 5 repetitions should be performed.

Training with the weight allows you to perform such muscle-strengthening exercises as swinging (with both hands or one hand), squats, pressing, tossing, windmill or deadlift. One of the most popular forms of using kettlebells is to perform the so-called Turkish stand-up, which involves standing up from a fully reclined position with the weights raised on straight arms. This type of exercise engages not only the muscles of the arms, but also the muscles of the back and legs, to which the body weight and load are gradually transferred.

Featured photo: Freepik

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