Everything you should know about shoulder training

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Shoulder training is rather predominant among workout plans for men. Properly arranged exercises will bring interesting results in a relatively short time.

Shoulders training – where to start?

Think about the purpose of your workouts, what do you want to achieve? Are you training just for fun, to pass the time and because you enjoy it? Or maybe you have a specific goal – you want to lose weight or sculpt a particular muscle part? Once you’ve prioritised your goals and know what you want from your training sessions, it will be much easier to put together an optimum training plan. Remember – a week has only seven days and you – unless of course you are a professional athlete – are unlikely to train every day. The body needs time to regenerate. If you want to focus on developing your arm muscles, include such a workout in your weekly schedule.

What mistakes to avoid when training shoulders?

It’s not just gym newbies who are prone to the basic mistakes that occur when training your arm muscles. Poor technique in performing particular exercises can occur in anyone. It is important to correct the wrong technique as soon as possible – you will then be able to reduce the risk of injury. It is a good idea to seek expert advice on the correct way to perform shoulder exercises. Even one hour of training with a personal trainer will help to form correct habits.

The most common mistakes that occur when training your arms include:

improper exercise technique – pay attention to how each exercise should be performed and focus on performing the tasks accurately – accuracy is often more important than the number of repetitions,

the bar set too high – if your muscles are still weak, start with simple exercises, so as to gradually strengthen them – if you reach for more difficult exercises too quickly, you can get a painful injury; the same applies to the volume during the training unit – increase it gradually,

too short recovery – you want your muscles to develop and injuries to stay away from you? Don’t forget about the recovery time after intensive training – don’t do anything by force, if you still feel a lot of discomfort after the previous workout, rest a little more and let your muscles fully recover.

Does the weight have to be heavy?
The weight has to be right?

What good is the weight if the technique isn’t right?
Especially in…

Published by Szymon Król 200% NORMS Monday, January 28, 2019

Shoulder training – at the gym or at home?

If you want to develop your arm muscles, you have two choices – you can focus on training at the gym or you can do a workout session at home. Which is better? A lot depends on what your options are. If you live near a gym and have the time to make it a regular part of your workout routine, machines can help you train your arms. However, if your commute to the gym takes you a long time and you can hardly find time to prepare a healthy meal, you can do your workout session at home instead of wasting time commuting. Whichever option you choose, remember to do a short warm-up before the actual workout. This will prepare your muscles for an intense workout.

Shoulder training – which exercises should I choose?

When it comes to training your arms, you will have slightly more opportunities to train at the gym, but you will also be able to perform the workout at home. Here are some examples of exercises that will help you develop your arm muscles:

handstand push-ups -> you don’t need any additional weight, you will use your own body mass during this exercise,

pull-ups -> this universal exercise can be performed in almost any conditions, whether at the gym, at home, or in an open-air gym (more and more such places can be found in large cities), for variety you can perform pull-ups once on a pull-up, once on a pull-up,

exercises with dumbbells -> you can perform them in any configuration, but remember to choose the optimal weight – if it is too low, the intensity of training will not be satisfactory, and in turn, too much weight can contribute to the formation of a nagging injury.

Featured Image: Freepik

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