Proven ways to improve insulin sensitivity

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The issue of building quality muscle tissue without fat is largely dependent on the individual capabilities of the body. One of these aspects is the hormonal economy of the pancreas responsible for glucose transport.

The role of insulin in the body

The pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin in the body. With the presence of insulin, the glucose taken in meals and supplements is distributed throughout the cells. The level of sugar in the blood should be maintained at the right level – thanks to this the body functions better and no extra fat tissue is formed, which puts a strain on the muscles.

This process can take place in two ways. The first one, called insulin resistance, causes the body to be unable to regulate blood sugar levels on its own and does not reduce them right after eating a meal. On the opposite side can be placed insulin sensitivity, which is the body’s ability to automatically control glucose and secrete insulin in just the right amount to maintain normal parameters. Insulin sens itivity helps to reduce body fat, supports the proper functioning of the entire body, reduces the risk of various diseases, for example, diabetes, and inhibits the breakdown of protein cells that are the building blocks of muscle.


Insulin (Latin insula, meaning island, from islets…

Published by Forma Team Friday, May 17, 2019

A healthy lifestyle

One of the most essential aspects of keeping insulin sensitivity high is developing healthy habits and routines implemented every day. The first of these is proper sleep intake. A well-rested and regenerated body functions better, does not need extra energy and allows you to build high quality muscle tissue without creating additional fat tissue.

A well-chosen diet is also crucial, one that provides the body with the necessary vitamins, carbohydrates, protein and minerals in balanced quantities. Regular physical activity is also important. During exercise the body produces cortisol, which can disrupt hormone management, so it is worth to combine strength training with aerobic exercises, which should help the body and reduce the production of hormone that raises blood glucose levels.

Including cinnamon in your diet

Studies have shown that one way to increase insulin sensitivity is to use cinnamon. It turns out that the spice slows down the feeling of hunger, reduces blood glucose levels and affects lower insulin levels before eating a meal or resulting from insufficient sleep. According to experts, you should include cinnamon in your daily diet and add 2 to 3 teaspoons per meal. It works best for breakfast or afternoon tea, in the form of oatmeal, smoothie, baked fruit or porridge.

Proper supplementation

The regulation of insulin production and blood glucose levels can be influenced by well-chosen dietary supplements. The agents increasing insulin sensitivity include berberine, chromium, gymnema sylvestre or alpha-lipoic acid. The first of the substances has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects and supports the fat burning process. In turn, berberine increases insulin receptor sensitivity and reduces the amount of glucose in the blood.

The second most popular nutrient supplemented to regulate sugar levels in the body is ALA, which helps cleanse the blood of harmful substances and reduce the amount of glucose and insulin produced. Alpha-lipoic acid can also be provided in the diet by eating larger amounts of spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, and Brussels sprouts. The dietary supplements chosen and their dosage should be consulted in advance with a nutritionist or doctor, so that they are completely safe for the health and proper functioning of the body.

Featured photo: Myriams-Fotos / Pixabay

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