Strongmen and scientists are clutching their heads, saying, “this is impossible!” A dangerous trend is starting to dominate the gyms! Check out what it consists of.
Strongmen and scientists are clutching their heads, saying, “this is impossible!” A dangerous trend is starting to dominate the gyms! Check out what it consists of.
Do you find it hard to find the motivation to exercise regularly and take care of the appearance of your figure? We tell you how to cope with a loss of strength, find the energy and take care of your well-being after training.
Sport is health, but can you overdo it? We answer when strength training can negatively affect immunity.
Do you regularly catalyze your biceps during workouts, but still don’t notice progress? Here’s how to remedy this type of stagnation!
Building muscle mass and need protein, but have given up on animal products? Here’s an equally effective alternative – plant based protein supplements!
Learn the key parameters that will help distinguish a real tabata from a model HIIT workout.
Proper adjustment of the diet to the body type can bring surprising results. Check how ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph should eat!
The large amount of equipment at the gym can make you dizzy and confused. That’s why we come to the rescue by recommending 5 gym exercises you’ll love!
What specifically should be included in a fitness club is determined primarily by the profile of the specific club.
Glutamine is an enzyme that is involved in protein building and supports the immune system. It is worth taking care of its proper supplementation.