The most important assumptions for a reduction diet

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Reducing the amount of fat tissue in the body can be achieved not only by intensive training, but also by using a special reduction diet. Learn about its most important principles!

Proper preparation

Reducing diet is a challenge for the body – especially such, which does not experience a lot of physical activity. When deciding to change your diet, you must first get to know your body and find out what daily caloric needs will be appropriate for it. Mathematical formulas to help calculate this value can be easily found on the internet.

Once you have determined your current caloric needs, you need to subtract about 500 kcal from this number – this will be the caloric level you need to maintain during the reduction diet. Calories should be reduced from the intake of fats and carbohydrates. The amount of protein intake should remain unchanged, especially for people who do not regularly engage in sports. The standard amount is about 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

If a person who regularly exercises physically decides to go on a reduction diet, his level of protein intake should be doubled. All calculations used should be done before starting the diet.

Limit carbohydrates

Adiet aimed at reducing weight should contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates. The key aspect is not to consume so-called empty calories, which are highly processed, artificial products that do not support fat reduction. These types of foods can include toasted bread, white flour, wheat or rice pasta, and diet cornbread.

Replace all such foods with whole grains that are rich in magnesium, vitamins, fiber, phosphorus or calcium. There is no shortage of healthy alternatives to these types of ingredients – just stock up on whole-grain pasta, buckwheat, brown rice, millet flour, multigrain bread, nuts, or oatmeal.

Carbohydrates cannot be effectively removed from the diet, but you can improve their quality by choosing the healthiest and natural products.

Reducing diet is not so terrible, if you approach it with a head. A bit of finesse and even simple,…

Published by Pawel Lozowski – Commit this bego FIT Thursday, February 11, 2016

Reducing your fat intake

Intake of fats obviously increases caloric requirements and similarly: decreasing the amount of fats in the diet decreases the requirements. Fat is necessary for the proper functioning of the body, it participates in hormonal, immunological or endocrine reactions, so it cannot be completely excluded from the menu.

Reducing diet assumes that the minimum amount of fat, which must be supplied to the body every day, is at least two tablespoons of olive oil. Such an abrupt reduction can be harmful to the body, so the reduction should be introduced gradually. With reduced dietary fat, fat reduction can occur more quickly and effectively.

Fasting days

One of the elements that add variety to a reduction diet are fasting days or days when the menu is low in calories. Short fasting helps to cleanse the body, reduce body fat, support metabolic processes and regenerate internal organs.

Fasting days should not occur too often during a diet, because they may have a negative effect on the work of the body. When deciding to conduct a fasting diet, remember about proper hydration, preferably using highly mineralized water and isotonic drinks.

Reducing diet may also include days with a small caloric deficit. The menu on these days should be depleted of sources of fat and carbohydrates, so that the body will burn more energy. You should also remember not to implement these two methods in close proximity to each other. Their effects on the body can be strong, so they should not be combined with each other.

Featured Image: Freepik

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